Author: Demo

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How to Develop a Best-Selling Reading App

How to Develop a Best-Selling Reading App No matter how successful a business is, it will inevitably hit a point when it’s time to find new sales channels. This is true for a small startup showing its product to the world, a huge publisher thinking about going online, and an offline bookseller looking for a

Why are Mobile Apps so Popular?

Why are Mobile Apps so Popular? It is simple that as the number of mobile phone users increase, so will the popularity of the mobile apps. We live in a very fast-paced world where everyone wants their work done as soon as possible. Even if it is right or wrong the only thing which matters

How Mobile Applications fuel the Growth of Businesses

How Mobile Applications Fuel the Growth of Businesses The portable applications are in gigantic interest in the current circumstance. On the off chance that you are an entrepreneur and have no online presence or versatile application, at that point you are passing up a great deal of possible income. In this blog we will discuss

Google owned Blog Compass App: A tool for Indian bloggers

Google-owned Blog Compass App: A tool for Indian bloggers The new app, now in beta, quietly popped up in the Google Play Store this week with a note that it\’s “only available in India.” The company launched the app to serve the needs of Indian bloggers. This app allows bloggers to manage their sites by

Best UI Trends: What to Look for in 2020?

Best UI Trends: What to Look for in 2020? Trends are something that guides professionals through the many options on the market. They serve more as milestones than dogmas that one should follow blindly. This article highlights the latest UI trends that will help your UI design stand out. In this blog we will see

Cost to Develop an App like Netflix

Cost to Develop an App like Netflix It is dicey if terms like marathon watching would have been so much a piece of mainstream computerized language notwithstanding the achievement and notoriety of Netflix. The video web-based feature that gives advertisement free survey understanding to its paid endorsers in more than 190 nations. Netflix has a

Mastering User Retention with an App

Mastering User Retention with an app Customer retention is the number one thing that every business should focus on. A 10% increase in user retention can increase the value of a business by more than 30%. When it comes to owning an app, you have an edge over other competing businesses as you are one

Mobile App Development Technologies for Startups

Mobile App Development Technologies for Startups Today we are at the junction of life where mobile apps have become an inseparable part of out lives. Take anything, from socializing, shopping, travel booking, learning to watching our favorite tv shows, one has a mobile app for everything. As we know that, there are millions of apps

Reasons Why Users are Uninstalling your Apps

REASONS WHY USERS ARE UNINSTALLING YOUR APPS Explanations behind App Uninstall The most exceedingly terrible dread of the top application designers is their clients uninstalling the application subsequent to utilizing it! You have made the best application, and it is getting a decent number of downloads on the application stores. Yet, does it guarantee that