Author: Demo

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Increase Sales of Shopify Stores by having a Dedicated App for it

Increase Sales of Shopify Stores by having a Dedicated App for it   Shopify is the most popular eCommerce platform in the world, which powers over 1 million businesses across the globe. If you have a shopify store, you are on the right track! But just having a website isn\’t just enough to stand out

Is Your Phone Listening to You?

Is your Phone Listening to you? Has this ever happened to you? You and your friends are randomly chatting on about probably eating Pizza or something. Later when you open your phone and scroll through facebook you see an ad for Pizza, pushing your temptations further. Open Youtube, Instagram, google whatever, seems like the Pizza

Epic Games and Apple: Head to Head

Epic Games and Apple: Head to Head There has been a head to head quarrel going on among apple and epic games for a considerate amount of time now. Let’s see what is happening between the two giants. We all know about Apple; it is the tech giant everyone has heard it and some of

8 Ways to Leverage Incorporating of Apps into your Business

8 Ways to Leverage Incorporating of Apps into your Business Mobile apps are taking over, not only in areas of social media and telecommunications, but also in business, shopping, and commerce. Investing in mobile app development for your business is essential for its growth. Today, Smartphone users are growing by leaps and bounds. It is

Top 8 Most Popular Apps in the World

Top 8 Most Popular Apps in the World There was a time when there was no internet. Then internet came and changed the world. Later when smartphones came, internet became more accessible to everyone. But smartphones not only came with ease of access to internet but also had apps with them. And since the introduction

App Personalization and Why it is Important.

App Personalization and Why it is important.   What is App Personalization? Like other forms of Personalization, App Personalization refers to the process of making an app to specifically fit a users needs. Unlike a website, which broadly caters to the all audience in the same way, App Personalization presents user experience that are customized

How to Create a Location-Aware App

How to Create a Location Aware App The Majority of the apps suggest contents and services based on your location. Sometimes this might have helped us in certain situations. But what\’s the reason behind the rise of such location aware app? It\’s very simple! These maps and location services enhance interactions between customers and businesses,

What to Look for in a Mobile App Developer

What to Look For in a Mobile App Developer There are many developers out there, but how would you know who to choose? Lets face it! Just because someone knows how to build an app doesn\’t necessarily mean they are the best developer for your app. Many freelancers might know basic coding and cookie cutter

Mobile Healthcare App Development

Mobile Healthcare App Development – Future Of Healthcare As we have entered the digital age, we have become more and more attached to our smartphones and other devices, and not just to keep up with trends or for sentimental reasons. Smartphones have become so integrated with our lives that we have increasingly relied on it