Author: Demo

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Apps are not just Business to Customer: Business Communication Apps

Apps are not just Business to Customer: Business Communication Apps   We are living in a time where the whole setup of a workplace is changing drastically. A usual 9-5 is changing, with more businesses adopting a more flexible environment, to boost employee productivity and morale. With this changing nature of business and uncertain growth

How are Learning Apps Changing the Future of Education?

How are Learning Apps Changing the Future of Education? Learning applications offer various advantages that are generally blocked off through a conventional instructive condition. That, yet our advanced society is forcing a few instructive necessities that can\’t be happy with the conventional learning framework. As of recently back, instruction and school were two ideas that

Must-have features of a successful app

Must have features of a successful app Mobile application deployment is an essential instrument for a large and powerful market. The best mobile app features should be taken into in-depth consideration to integrate an app into the model of business. Implementing invaluable app features to reflect brand personality and values does not depend on the

How Apps have Changed our lives Forever

How Apps have Changed our lives Forever If you think about, there is an App for literally anything out there. The internet has brought the world to your doorstep. I mean, an app is probably waking you up in morning. The last bite of food that you took probably has an app involved it it.

5 steps to Grocery App Development Amid the Pandemic

5 steps to Grocery App Development Amid the Pandemic The wave of COVID-19 has shaken almost everything in the world and its cure is still not in sight. As a result, the language of New Normal is being deployed everywhere to handle the situations before they become too worse. So, my friends, welcome to this

Make your Fitness app a success

Make your Fitness app a success The one thing the pandemic has given rise to is more focus on mental and physical health. Being confined to the house, its no surprise that it has taken a toll on everyone\’s health. When the world moved indoors, the demand for fitness apps increased. Â If you look

Top 5 Mobile App Development Trends to watch out in 2021

Top 5 Mobile App Development Trends to watch out in 2021 Harking back to the 2000s, no one expected web-based media to develop madly. It was where individuals could interface and speak with one another. In any case, presently, it\’s substantially more than that. Online media has become the commercial center for organizations to advance

How to make an App like TikTok

How to make an App like TikTok TikTok one of the most used apps in India just got banned recently. With Instagram trying to dominate that market by having a new built-in feature called reels, have you ever thought that you could make an app like TikTok? This will blog will give you a deep

Top Mobile App Development Technologies

Top Mobile App Development Technologies to Develop an App Faster In this 21st Century, it doesn’t matter who you are, we all want our results as quickly as possible. And especially when it comes to mobile app development; business want only those apps that are lightning-fast and provides a seamless user experience. In this article